To continue this month of love in the most appropriate color possible, I’m here to share the best little love story. If you’re anything like me, falling in love with my husband slowly grew from friendship to attraction and admiration and then to the deepest forever love. That’s the kind of love we usually celebrate on Valentine’s Day. But if you’re reading this and are a mom, you will understand the love that you feel in your heart when you hold your baby for the first time. It’s a protective, perfect, overflowing love that is unbreakable and knows no boundaries. Well, little miss Dylan Rose came into this world healthy and as beautiful as can be 5 WEEKS early. Congratulations Taryn and Kevin on your amazing miracle!!
We thought we would be safe getting this dresser done 1 month early. Little did we know… ! How it all started? Taryn emailed me to ask me if we could repaint this dresser for her soon to be arriving baby girl’s room.
Even though these aren’t antiques or solid wood, the design and detailing of the pieces made them definitely worth saving. When we went to pick them up, we went back and forth on a couple different colors. For me, at the first picture, I SO wanted Taryn to pick pink. In the end, they let me go with my gut and I couldn’t be happier with how it came out.
The paint is Benjamin Moore’s Pink Cadillac 2002-70 color. After it was painted, I glazed with with a silver glazing from Martha Stewart. Are you as excited about the after pictures as I am??
And a close up for a better shot of the color.
Happy Redesigns Everyone,
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Did you brush on the glaze and then wipe off? Please help, exactly what I have been looking for
Yes, I use a foam brush to apply the glaze and then wipe it with a damp clothe until I get a look I like.