Happy Tuesday everybody! I haven’t had much extra time to tell you what I’ve been up to lately. My dear friend Tiffany, over at Invitealiscious, emailed me a month or two ago to ask if I could design a couple things for her new house. Tiffany and I go way back… we met one summer when we were camp councilors together in Massachusetts. We would stay up too late, get up too early, and laugh about the dumbest things. She’s awesome!!! I was so excited to start customizing new pieces with her. She is so open to anything fun and colorful… that’s a dream come true for anyone who likes to design! :) We started with a Teal Hutch, that led to Dining Room Chairs, that led to a Red Chandelier, that led to a Vintage Window turned photo frame, that led to a this AMAZING Eden Green Damask chair, that led to a Yellow Coffee Table. Don’t worry, I’ll be adding each project so you’ll get to see everything. I know, I know, you can’t wait to see it. Lol! I can’t wait to share it.
Ok, here’s what this chair looked like when I got it. Pretty blah…
I could just picture it with color. Tiff asked about it and I headed to Hobby Lobby to look at fabric. We went back and forth with a couple different designs and colors, but she went with this damask design and I am sooo happy she did! Then we had a phone debate over how to say damask. How would you say it??? Is it DAM-ask or DUH-mask? I even asked the ladies in the fabric department and one said it my way, one said it Tiffany’s way. Lol! Fun times.
Here a close up for the fabric for you!
Since one of her dining room chairs is already this color, we wanted to incorporate that color in her living room. We both agreed it would be a fun color with the fabric although I think any bold color would have worked. I could see yellow, red or even hot pink looking cute.
One more shot because I love it so much!
Have a great week everyone!
Happy Redesigns,
PS- If you like what we’re doing, please like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/funcycled or share this on Pinterest! Also, you can now get each of our new projects emailed to you when you enter your email address in the box at the top right side of this page.
I would love if something like this was for sale!
Thank you, Joanna! I just sent you an email with more information about another similar chair that I’m almost done with. Thanks for checking out our site.
According to Merriam-Webster, it’s pronounced “DAM-isk”.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH for that comment! Boo Yah!