Here’s another makeover for you. I found these beauties along side the road for free. Who throws something like this out?? Ahhh… !
Want a quick history lesson about them? No… yeah sure you do. :) They are called Panton Chairs after their designer Verner Panton. Panton first established himself at the forefront of avant-garde design with furniture based on extravagant, geometric forms and use of strong colors, such as the Cone Chair of 1958. Along with the Panton Chair, which was designed in the early 1960’s, but not put into production until 1967 due to its technical challenges, these designs cemented Verner Panton’s reputation as a designer of an original and uncompromising approach. OK, I’m done with the history lesson. :) I just found it really interesting.
There were some small gouges that we had to Bondo and sand down. That worked surprisingly well. Since I haven’t painted many pieces using spray paint, I read up on the best techniques first. Pretty much, the quick summary is to lightly sand, prime it using a primer that says it will stick to plastic, and then paint it using a spray paint that will stick to plastic as well. Try to keep your spray can about 6-10 inches away from the piece to help avoid drips. On a piece like this drips are almost impossible though. It was so sleek and slippery.
Here’s what they look like complete. Do you like them?
Happy Redesigns,
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