Hi FunCyclers!
We are so very thankful for each and every one of you! It’s been another unusual year for so many. Unknown feels like the new norm and uncomfortable is becoming an almost daily emotion for many. We want to encourage you that you are stronger than you think, and we will get through this pandemic together. Press into your faith in the One who can comfort your hearts when nothing else feels comfortable.

Our idea of Christmas, whether vintage traditions or mid-century modern designs, is very simple; loving others because Christ loves us. A tiny, sinless baby born in a humble manger would live a perfect life and die a horrible death in our place.
Radical love was his anthem.
“This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.”
1 John 4:9
As you start your Christmas week, whether happy, joyful, lonely, or anxious – please remember God loves you and we love you.
This year has been full of so many changes for us. We’ve had one full year at the building we bought and moved our store to 336 Congress Street, we have a full year of running an airbnb in that same building. I’ll go over more of the highlights of the year next week, but I say that to say change isn’t something I love. I like predictable and calm, but we’ve grown in this year, we’ve learned so much, and the God of all comfort has felt close to my heart. If that’s how you feel, I pray He feels closer and closer to you in 2022.
Thank you all for the impact you’ve had on our lives over the last 10 years and for the friendships we’ve gained along the way.
-The Trop’s