1.3 billion men and women around the world live on less than $1.25 a day. That’s a sobering statistic, and FunCycled desperately wants to be a part of changing it. John and I are passionate about empowering the poor to provide for themselves and their families through the power of Christ-centered microfinance. We have partnered with HOPE International because we understand that a loan as small as $100.00 can change a family forever.
As we’ve previously mentioned, on the 31rst of every month that has 31 days for the next year, John and I plan to auction off a piece of furniture and donate the proceeds to HOPE. Happily, today is our very first auction! Here are the rules:
1. All bidding will take place on the Funcycled blog. You can bid by commenting on this blog post, utilizing the comment box below. Bids placed on Instagram or the Funcycled Facebook page are invalid.
2.The starting bidding price is listed under the picture, and bids must go up in increments of at least one dollar.
3. Bidding will be open for 48 hours. It will open at noon on the 31rst, and close at noon two days later. Once bidding has been closed, I will announce the winner and contact them with payment instructions. The winner has 24 hours to respond before the piece is offered to the runner up.
4. The purchaser will be responsible for all shipping fees. (If you live out of state – please check shipping pricing with uship.com before purchasing to ensure you can afford the out of state shipping costs)
You get beautiful furniture, and an entrepreneurs trapped in poverty get a chance to work themselves out of it. That sounds like a win to us!
Please help spread the word by sharing. Thank you for your support!
Here’s what you are bidding on, a sage green FunCycled repurposed dresser. Size: 33 1/2 inches wide x 20 inches deep x 50 1/2 inches high
Retail value: $225
Starting bid: $50
Happy bidding friends!
Sarah ;)
If you like what you see, please like FunCycled’s Facebook page to keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. There is a box at the top right of this page to enter your email address in to receive notifications by email when I post something new on this blog.
Please sign up today! Last but not least, let us customize a furniture piece for you. We create custom furniture and will deliver for customers in upstate NY and will also ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our furniture for sale page.
I will bid $100 to have this donated to a family in need. <3
I bid $125!
I bid $$200.00
$250.00…it’s beautiful Sarah! Might have to be the centerpiece of the bedroom you can do in our lake house.
I bid $250.00
Thank you everyone who bid!! Since Susan PD was the first one to bid $250, she’s the winner of this auction. Thank you for caring about helping others! Stay tuned for the next auction on December 31st! Have a wonderful holiday season!