Hi Friends!
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Happy mid summer to all of you! I hope your week is going well! Our kids are away at a summer camp this week so the house is so quiet as I type this. I miss their cute faces, but I’m excited to see how they grow closer to God and make new friends throughout this week.
For this week’s makeover, I wanted to share a before and after of a dresser that we just redid for my Bestie to use in her new house. She moved to Georgia, and even though I miss her every day, I’m so glad she’ll have something to think of me sitting in her new home.
Here’s the dresser before:

We repaired the door and painted the whole piece with Valspar’s Lincoln Cottage Black. Then we lightly distressed the whole piece and sprayed it with a protective clear coat.
If you want to see how we paint furniture, check out our How to Paint Furniture post.
Here are the after photos for you:

This piece isn’t available to purchase, but be sure to visit our SHOP page to check out what other pieces we have available for purchase or custom order.
Or contact us to get a quote to let us redo your furniture for you!
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We offer interior design, kitchen cabinet painting, and custom built tables, barn doors, and repurposed furniture. Thank you, again, for working with us and for taking the time to spread the word about what we do.
Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)