Hi Friends! Has your month of October flown by as fast as mine?? Man oh man!! I blink and look at the corner of my computer screen to see that it’s the 22nd! Where did the month go?? It’s been so full of fun that I can hardly stand it. I’ve been feeling so blessed by family, friends and work! No complaints here. Nope. None.
This week’s piece is for my friend Marcie. This lady.
Yup, we wear the same glasses. And yes, we’re both wearing grey. Marcie and I have been friends for about 5 years. We met when our boys were both six months old and now are best pals. At the end of this month, Marcie will be moving far, far away to the sunny, delightful land of Florida. I’m still trying to imagine her moving away and not thinking too much about not having one of the closest people in my life close by anymore. See… just typing that sentence made me cry. Thinking too much about it can be a bad thing. So, I thought I would share what I made for her instead. ANNND I want to share some of the things she’s given to me over the last five years.
Marcie has taught me what it means to be a good friend. She’s selfless… so so selfless. She may have a bad day, but would never tell me first if I was having a bad day. She would hear me out, encourage me and if time allowed tell me about hers. Sometimes I was so selfish I wouldn’t even know about her struggles for days. That’s the kind of selfless friend she is.
Marcie is an AMAZING mom. So much of what I do day to day with my kids comes from what I’ve learned by watching Marcie. Room time, schedules, bed time, discipline, tone of voice, and cheerful spirit… those are the things that I learned by watching. Watching Marcie. I literally think about her all through the day when I am annoyed at my kids and every once a while get it right and have the right attitude like she would.
Marcie’s strong. Sometimes too strong… ;) She makes no excuses about why she can’t do something. She may have 4 kids and a hubby out of town for work, but she’s still going to be at Wednesday church. With school the next day and teaching school all day, she doesn’t care. Her priority is serving. serving God and her family. I want to be more like that.
I really could go on and on, but I have someone coming to my house in 30 minutes and need to stop crying. Just the reality of life…
So, here’s the hutch before:
And after painted with Benjamin Moore’s black paint and new hardware from Lowe’s. It looks completely different, right??
Oh, and Marcie is also the kind of friend that refused to let me just give this to her. I wanted to so bad, but she still wouldn’t budge. That’s a true friend, isn’t it? I’m going to miss you like mad Marcie. So thankful that God has blessed me with your friendship. You’re a life long friend for sure!
Happy redesigns everyone,
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Looking for a hutch just like the black one shown on this page.
Hi Pat,
We have one very similar to it on our for sale page now. https://funcycled.com/furnitureforsale/ If you have any questions about it, you can email me at sarah@funcycled.com. Thanks for checking! -Sarah