Hi Friends!
How are you? Can you believe it’s August??? Yeah, me either. It’s crazy how fast the summer flies by. Actually, life just seems to be flying by for me lately. My toddlers seem to have turned into little pre-teens this summer. They’ve matured. I’ve watched them change in what seems like such a short time. Also, if you think we make cute furniture – furniture’s got nothing on the kids we make *swoon*. Not that I had any choice in how they turned out, but I had to show you a couple pictures that I took this week on a random ice cream outing as a family.

He may 11, but he’s got the soul of a 50 year old man. He’s smarter than me. I have to use google to answer most of his questions these days. He had the highest math and science grades in all the private schools that he went up against in NYS for his grade. All those brains, but that’s not even my favorite thing about him. He goes out of his way to make new kids feel welcome at church, he goes out of his way to play with little kids who want an older kid to look up to, he’s organized and hard working. He isn’t disrespectful to me. When I say no, he obeys. If I’m going shopping, he’s the first to say he’ll go with me. Talking my ear off through the whole store. He’ll still hold my hand. He’ll hug me and snuggle. He’s the boy that will make a great man someday because he loves God, he works hard, and he’s smart as can be.

She’s almost 10 and that smile… that tells you so much about my sweet girl. She’s all passion and I love every once of it. The fiery side because I know she will be able to defend herself as she grows into an independent woman. The sweet, selfless side because I know she’ll go far in this world with a heart of pure gold. If there’s a way to spin something positive, she’ll do it. She humbles me with that so often. She has a happy disposition and wisdom beyond her years. She writes notes to adults telling them what she sees in them that she loves. Oh, if we as adults did that more for kids… how sweet would that be? She brings me lattes in bed on cold Sunday mornings and snuggles like no one else. I want her to be my friend when she’s all grown up because she already knows how to love so well. Her life will be filled with wonderful people who adore her. I just know it!
Now that I’m all teary over here… let me wipe those away and share what you came here to read today… a furniture makeover, right?
Nine furniture pieces sold at the store in the last couple of weeks (which was a blessing I asked God to give us) so off I went to shop and fill the store with new beauties! This was one! I loved the bottom of the hutch because it had doors on the left and drawers on the right. That’s a rare combination for mid century pieces. That also makes it a piece that could be used as a dresser, buffet, entertainment center… so many options. Here it is before:

We removed the top because I liked it better as a credenza than as a hutch.
We painted the whole thing Van Deusen Blue by Benjamin Moore and and glazed . We also added new hardware and sprayed it with a protective clear coat.
If you want to see how we paint furniture, check out our How to Paint Furniture post.
Ready for the transformation??

This credenza is available to purchase! You can also check out even more new pieces on our For Sale page.
Mid Century Dresser White Bookcase Mustard Dresser Custom Built Barn Doors White Hutch
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Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)
If you like what you see, please like FunCycled’s Facebook page to keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. We also offer interior design, kitchen cabinet painting, and custom built tables, barn doors, and furniture. We can deliver for customers in upstate NY and also help you ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our online shop.