Hi Friends!
If you have been following along as I’ve been trying to do 40 new experience before I turn 40, I recently made a quick stop on our way to the south to check off another experience on the list. For a while now, I’ve been wanting to visit Charleston, SC. We only had half a day to explore the city so we booked a walking tour. I can tell you two things. 1) It made me want to go back for a long weekend 2) The architecture was stunning!!
While we were on the tour, I learned about the 4 corners of law. It’s the only place in the US where 4 corners in one intersection have the 4 types of law. A God’s law, federal court, county court, and city court.

There are some famous houses in Charleston, including one that was featured in the Patriot.
The architecture was stunning. I learned that porches aren’t called porches in Charleston, they are called piazzas. Look how beautiful they are:

I also loved all the trees and flowers. Did you know that the crape myrtle tree and Japanese ficus vine were first brought to the US from Japan and planted in Charleston?

Because so many people moved to Charleston from London just after the London fire, most of the homes aren’t built with wood. They are stone or brick, but I did see one that was wood and the wood was cut to look like stone. Take a look:

This was my favorite house on the tour:

I LOVED everything about it! Isn’t it stunning?
I also loved the moss growing up these steps:

Here are some of the other houses that I really loved:

Of course it wouldn’t be a Trop trip without me stopping all over the place to take pictures of old windows and doors! So here are a few of those for you, too!

I also loved the beautiful back yards and gardens.

The best part? Seeing beautiful old homes right next to the ocean… a rare treat for me!

I hope this inspires you to try something new, explore a new city, and appreciate the creation, architecture, and the people in your life that you love the most!
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Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)
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