If you missed Day One or Day Two of our experience on HGTV’s Flea Market Flip, just click on the days to see the full blog post about it.
Day 3, the last day of filming is the Sell Day. The timing of when the filming will occur varies but our filming days ended up being about a week apart. On the final day, we went to a different flea market from where we had purchased the items. The goal was to sell the finds that we repurposed at a higher price point. Whoever makes the most profit wins the show! I’ve sold furniture at markets before and it’s a hard sell. Mostly because furniture is so big and people are coming to find quick deals not to find large items that we’ve spent a lot of time repurposing and have to charge retail price for. We only had 4 hours to sell everything so the staff encouraged us to take whatever offer we get because it’s better to get a little than nothing. We filmed at the Long Island City Flea market.
It’s a really small market and not many people were there. Driving into the city that morning, my brother Jesse called me and asked if I was nervous. For some reason that day, I was. He told me not to be nervous because everything we were selling had a story and I am the girl with the story. He was so right, that is what set us apart and hearing that helped calmed me down. I told everyone that came to our booth about the history of each piece and what we did to transform it.
When we walk into the flea market everything was wrapped up so we unwrapped it and staged it in the booth. We priced each item and of course checked out what our competition was selling. Each team doesn’t know the other teams price point until the prices are already set. The cameras started rolling and people started to slowly trickle in. Not that many people were walking through the market but with film crews and Lara Spencer, we had the attention we needed to get those pieces sold. The bar went fairly quickly to a sweet young woman who just moved to the city to be a writer. We paid $10 for the parts and sold it for $450 for a $440 profit right off the bat!
The second piece that sold was was the coffee table and that was maybe an hour or so after we started. We paid $50 for the parts and sold it for $300. $250 more towards our grand total! Yay!
The last thing to sell was the desk made from the old trunk. I was surprised by that! I thought the bar would sell first, then the secretaries desk, then the coffee table. John thought the desk, then bar, then coffee table. We were both wrong! :) Right toward the end of the 4 hours a lady came by and wanted the desk but couldn’t pay much. As she was asking me if we would take less, I heard our opponents yelling “fire sale, fire sale” so I knew they were selling everything cheap. That’s why I took the low ball offer because at least she could get a fun piece of furniture and we would add a bit to our total. She was thrilled and I was thrilled and it was so fun!
We knew before they announced it that we had won just because they didn’t sell anything throughout the day and did the fire sale at the end of the day. The producers were really encouraging about our work and kind! It was our anniversary on the sale day and they bought us celebratory lemonades at the end of the day! That’s why our episode is called Happy Flipping Anniversary. WE WON HGTV’s FLEA MARKET FLIP! Sayyyyyy whatttt??? So exciting!
If you missed Day One or Day Two of the experience, just click on the days to see the full blog post about it.
It was such fun experience, I would love to do it again in a heartbeat!! Thank you to Lara Spencer for being approachable, for the producers for going out of their way to make us feel comfortable, and to the work day helpers that made it all doable in such a short time. You’re all awesome!!
Do you live in upstate NY? We can custom build furniture so you can have one of a kind flea market upcylced furniture in your home. Use our contact us form for more information. You can also purchase already finished furniture on our Shop page!
We offer Interior Design, Kitchen Cabinet Painting, and custom Furniture For Sale.
Here’s a quick snap shot of some of our furniture makeovers. You can see more by clicking the See on Pinterest button at the bottom of the page.
Follow Sarah Trop – FunCycled’s board FunCycled Painted Furniture Projects on Pinterest.
Thanks so much for stopping by!! Happy upcycling friends!
Sarah ;)
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