Hi Friends,
I hope you’re having a great day! This week we pack up and move out of our current house. I can’t believe how quickly all of this has happened. We weren’t even looking for a house! At the end of the summer we drove by a house that we would normally only dream about owning and saw that it was for sale. We checked if we could get financing, found out we could, went to take a look and fell in love with it. I can’t wait to show you all pictures of this house, our soon to be home, I believe you’ll fall in love, too. It’s over 200 years old and full of charm.
Since I’m moving right smack dab in the middle of retail’s busiest time of year, I may be a little brief in my posts over the next few weeks. Stick with me, ok? I’ll be back with a vengeance, showing exciting transformations, with fun stories to tell too – I promise. :)
Today’s makeover is such a unique transformation. Ellen has had us redo another furniture piece, and now came to us with this buffet that DEFINITELY needed help. It’s hard to tell from the picture but the whole top right side had bubbling and peeling veneer. It needed lots and lots of repair.
Ellen has other gold accents in her house and loved the original gold detailing on this buffet. She also loved the transformation we did on the buffet of Mr. and Mrs. Sophisticated.
I recommended that since the box was so damaged, we should repair and paint the box gold. Then we could repair the wood on the door fronts and keep all of the original gold detailing. She loved the idea and we got to work. If you’d like to see how we paint furniture, check out our How to Paint Furniture post.
Here’s a quick before and after pic for Pinterest!
Even though this one is sold, we have many more pieces on our Furniture For Sale page so be sure to click on over and check it out!
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Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)
If you like what you see, please like FunCycled’s Facebook page to keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. Last but not least, let us customize a furniture piece for you. We create custom furniture and will deliver for customers in upstate NY and also ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our furniture for sale page.