Hi Friends!
Can you believe school is starting in two weeks? For many of you, it’s already started. I can’t believe summer break is almost over. This summer has not been what I expected it to be, but I not saying that in a bad way. I didn’t expect the store to be as busy as it was. We made it through and I’ve learned so much for next year. I’ve learned how to manage a busy work schedule. I’ve learned how to say no… if you know me at all you know how hard that is for me. At the same time, I’ve missed my kids. Next summer I’ll definitely get some extra help so I can be with them more. I’ve missed my friends because almost every night I worked after the kids went to bed until midnight. I say all that to say anything worth doing is worth growing through. If it doesn’t challenge you, it probably won’t change you. A friend said the other day that my life is a vacation. In some ways it was a compliment and also showed me that I’m faking it well to her apparently. At least she knows I enjoy my work. I’m doing what I love every day, but my life is DEFINITELY not a vacation. Running a business like this requires so very many hours, hot days, heavy lifting, and taxes. So much taxes. lol
Someone also asked me the other day how I did everything I do. How do I balance work and family and church and friends? I replied with this…
Thanks to the Lord who really did give me His strength on days that seemed too short for the to do lists, when the nights seemed to end too quickly and the morning came too soon. He lifted me up and He will continue.
So I say thank you for the yesterdays and for what tomorrows He may give me. If you feel this way, too, lean heavily into Him. Ask for His strength. Read the Bible for encouragement. Be part of a church family who will lift you up and love on you like no one ever has. He is faithful.
Oh and some exciting news!! As of this week we will be a Repurpose Repaint Retailer. It’s a DIY water based paint (not chalk paint) that doesn’t require sanding. It’s a perfect option for you DIYers out there that love to get your hands dirty and are ok with brushed finish.
As for the makeover today, I wanted to share this hutch transformation. If you liked our Rustic Chic Dresser Set, you will probably like this hutch transformation, too!
We removed the fancy details on each drawer and the inside frame on the doors. That gave us the depth we would need to add wood to the front.
Once we did that, we used aged wood so it had a naturally gray finish. I didn’t stain or do anything to the color of the wood. Just stained the side where the cuts were to make it match the original gray color of the wood. If you end up trying a project like this, you have to be very careful to keep the wood exactly the right size so it sits perfectly on the drawer.
We painted the box Simply White by Benjamin Moore. If you’d like to see how we paint furniture, check out our How to Paint Furniture post. Ready for the afters?
A quick Before and After pic for Pinterest:
This hutch is for sale right now! We just brought it into the store last week. If you’d like to purchase it, please use our Contact Us form or stop by our store at 272 River Street, Troy, NY.
Mark your calendars! This Friday Night is Troy Night Out and we will be open from 12-8pm. We would love for you to stop by to see all the new pieces, paint line and of course home decor! All on street and garage parking is free after 5pm so it’s a perfect date night, girls night out, or heck a night out by yourself. You won’t be able to NOT have a fun time. :)
I also added quite a few other new pieces to the store!
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Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)
If you like what you see, please like FunCycled’s Facebook page to keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. Last but not least, let us customize a furniture piece for you. We create custom furniture and will deliver for customers in upstate NY and also ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our furniture for sale page.