Has it really been a week since I wrote my last blog post?? I feel like I was just here telling you all about John starting to work with me, I blinked and now I’m back at the computer again. lol That’s how wonderfully busy the past week has been. I’m not complaining, in any way, because I LOVE what I do. I’ve been loving the custom orders, color consultations, and creating some of my own beauties. Check out this new piece on our Furniture For Sale page: Yummy goodness… don’t you want to make it yours?? I know I do! ;)
But for this week’s Tuesday’s Treasures, I found inspiration from what?? A canvas shopping bag!! Say what?!? It’s a true story. My mom’s friend Susan had this coffee table that was given to her from her father years ago. She wanted to keep it for memory’s sake, but wanted more color to brighten her small sitting room. (Sorry for the bad picture! I forgot to take a before picture)
Susan came over to talk colors with this canvas shopping bag in hand. She loved the design and the color combinations so we decided to take the plunge!
It’s super cute right?? So, I painted cream on top (I know it looks really white, but it’s not), graphite grey on the base and I drew the top design by hand. I changed the design a bit, but not too much. Then I sealed it for an extra layer of protection using a water based polycrylic.
Here it is… cute as a button. Or cute as its’ buttons. Ha ha! I crack myself up.
Susan is moving out of state (back to her VA home) at the end of this month so I’m happy she’ll have something to remind her of her NY friends. We’ll miss you so much!!! “Y’all” have been a huge blessing to my parents and I am so thankful to have met you this year. God knew we needed you here in NY for a while. Thanks to everyone from back home for sharing you with us. :)
Happy redesigns everyone,
If you like what you see, please like our face book page to keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. There is a box at the top right of this page to enter your email address in to receive notifications by email when I post something new on this blog. Please sign up today!
Last but not least, let us customize a furniture piece for you. We create custom furniture and will deliver for customers in upstate NY and will also ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our furniture for sale page.