Did I just call something a Dresser Thingy?? Why yes I did! Why? Because I’m a weirdo. Why else? I don’t know what to call it really. I picked up this dresser one day and knew it needed lots of work, but I ALSO knew it could be “funcycled”. You all know by now that I like to make the not-so-lovely lovely again.
My pal Tiff-phony wanted something for her living room for extra storage and this dresser had the lines she wanted. Oh, by the way, when you become my friend, you will have to deal with my weird names for you and crazy sense of humor – even about trailer parks and short husbands. The plus side is I can make pretty furniture for you. lol So I’m fairly sure Tiff puts up with me for the “trash into treasures” that I make for her. ;)
We chatted a bit and she decided that she could make it work if she put baskets where the bottom drawer would have been. Her keen little eyes even noticed that one of the legs was broken – I didn’t even see that. Would you have? No problem, I told her we could fix it! Piece picked -check! Now on to the color. She wanted a coral color and we went back and forth on whether to go dark or light. In my opinion, it’s really hard to find the right shade of coral. Usually I’m a Benjamin Moore snob but in this case, the color Tiff wanted could only be found in Valspar Dark Mango. I agreed that it was totally “her” and was willing to get out of the car AGAIN to run back into Lowes only because I didn’t have the kids with me that day. lol I love you, Tiff. :)
Paint color bought. Check. Up next, the knob choice. We looked at quite a few but Tiffany loved these from Anthropology. Good choice, good choice!
Yummy, right??? Love, Love!
OK, on to that little problem of the broken leg. Normally when I’m with my husband and he’s talking about wood types or repair, I feel like an idiot. I don’t know half of what he knows. Well… this time … get ready, I was able to teach HIM something. Wow oh wow! Did I feel like one cool lady walking the aisles of Lowes. ;) I told him you could buy new legs for furniture. He didn’t believe me at first so I showed him and he was pleasantly surprised. So, I hacked sawed the legs off and he put the new ones on for me. I tried, but I just couldn’t get it to work. I told you he’s better at repairs than I am.
Then I primed, painted and glazed this sexy lady. Are you ready for the after picture? Yup, I knew it. Me too! :) Here you go!
Happy Redesigns Everyone,
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