Hi Friends!
How was your first week in the 2018? If you’re not from upstate NY you may not know that we’ve had record cold temperatures this week! Cold temperature and paint don’t like either other too much. So we had to crank up the heat to keep our paint building warm enough for the paint to cure correctly. I’m a little scared to see what our heat bill is going to be this month. Also, our 1805 house is pretty drafty! Last year was so mild that I forgot what a typical upstate NY winter was going to feel like in our old/new to us home. We also decluttered from Christmas and I love seeing the house come back together again!
For this week’s furniture makeover, I want to share a gorgeous empire dresser that we think is probably from the late 1800’s/early 1900’s. The dovetailing is hand done and the piece is absolutely beautiful. Here it is before:
It had quite a bit of veneer damage on the box and very top drawer, but the fronts of the rest of the drawers were in good shape! I just didn’t like the color of the drawer fronts – too orange for me. So, we repaired all of the damaged veneer and painted the outside with Benjamin Moore’s color Gentleman’s Gray. Then we sanded down the drawer fronts and stained them with Minwax’s Dark Walnut. New hardware was a must and I wanted to give this piece a feminine touch when choosing hardware.
If you’d like to see how we paint furniture, check out our How to Paint Furniture post. After we painted it, we glazed it lightly and sprayed it with a protective clear coat. Then the new hardware .
Ready for the after??
This dresser is available online and in our store now! Check out other new furniture for sale on our website here or let us know if you could use some help with decorating. Please use our Contact Us form or stop by our store at 272 River Street, Troy, NY. I also added quite a few other new pieces to the store!
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Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)
If you like what you see, please like FunCycled’s Facebook page to keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. Last but not least, let us customize a furniture piece for you. We create custom furniture and will deliver for customers in upstate NY and also ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our furniture for sale page.