Hi Friends!
Did you have a happy Memorial Day? We went away and it was the first time we didn’t run the store on a Saturday. My mom offered to run it and I was nervous to leave it on a Saturday. It’s always really busy!! Mom rocked it, sold so much and kept me in the loop all day. Thank you mom for giving my little family time away,
We stayed with our friends Caleb and Chrisie. Caleb just published his first book and I can’t wait to finish reading it. You should read it, too! Click here to buy it: Space Empires: The Rising Darkness. We’re even one of the characters in the book… Tropnia. I feel so honored and am so proud of you Caleb for pursuing this passion of yours for 13 years. If you know anyone who likes Star Wars, they’ll love this book.
We also had a chance to hang out with our friends Theresa and Erhen. Theresa is an architect and we spent a long time chatting about some additional services that we may be adding to our site soon. I can’t wait to share those with you as we work out all of the details.
This week’s furniture transformation is one that I adore. Ever since we did our last Art Nouvea Secretary’s Desk makeover, I couldn’t wait to get my hand on one for our store. When I saw this for sale, I looked past the damaged wood and missing glass. I couldn’t wait to buy it! The kind gentleman who I bought it from said that it’s been in their family for years and he just didn’t have the time to redo it. I told him we would bring it back to life. He was so cute and thrilled to hear it. Here it was before:
I went back and forth a ton of times on how I wanted to redo this piece. The details on the hinges made it look Gothic, but the mirror was chic. I thought about working with the Gothic and going dark, then going neutral. I finally decided the ornate metal had to go. It just wasn’t working with the design I wanted to do. We removed all of it, repaired the wood (and it needed so much repair). Thankfully, it’s solid oak and structurally sound which was a great start!
We painted the outside using the color Silver Fox by Benjamin Moore and the inside is Rainwashed by Sherman Williams. If you’d like to see how we paint furniture, check out our How to Paint Furniture post. We lightly distressed all of the edges to show some of the wood and replaced all of the hardware as well.
Are you ready for the after? Here you go!
Remember, this is currently for sale on our website. Check out our Furniture For Sale page here!!
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Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)
If you like what you see, please like FunCycled’s Facebook page to keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. Last but not least, let us customize a furniture piece for you. We create custom furniture and will deliver for customers in upstate NY and also ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our furniture for sale page.
This site really has all the info I wanted
concerning this subject and didn’t know who to ask.