Hi All!
Last week was school break for our kids so we wanted to incorporate a fun project to get the kids involved a little bit. This cabinet has been sitting for months and months in our barn. I’ve been trying to figure out what I wanted to do with it and no design ideas came to me. It was pretty simple from a detailing perspective and nothing seemed quite right.
Then last week this idea hit me! Let’s make a cabinet for Lego storage!! What took me so long to think of that??
To make the Lego brick style drawers. We started by gluing two 1 inch pine boards together so that the knobs would be thick enough to stick out from the drawer fronts. Then we used a 2 1/4 hole saw to cut each circle. The size of your hole saw may need to vary depending on the size of the dresser drawer.
You’ll want to draw a grid to make sure each circle is attached with equal distances apart.
We then used liquid nail under each circle and screwed through the back of the drawer to attach each circle to the drawer front. Then you’ll need to fill each hole that is made from the center of the hole saw with wood filler and sand it all smooth.
Now it’s time to paint. If you’d like to see how we paint furniture, check out our How to Paint Furniture post.
Our son, Josh, helped us make the knobs for the dresser. I’ll do a tutorial about that soon!! Check these out!!
Here the finished product and it’s FOR SALE!! Check out our Furniture For Sale page to see if it’s still available.
Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)
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