Hi friends!
How was your weekend? I hope if you are local you had a chance go to Troy’s 32nd Annual Victorian Stroll. It was SO MUCH FUN! John and I have gone to the stroll for at least 7 years and we’ve always loved it. We would invite different friends to join us and then came back to our house for soups and hot cider that we had cooking while we were strolling. Those days made some special memories for us and this year was different. Instead of shopping in all the quaint, unique shops downtown, we were able to BE one of those shops. I’m a sentimental of sort so it was a bittersweet change. Any change is a bit sad to me. Good, bad or just required changing of seasons. I went into the day missing seeing the other shops and missing friends, but knowing we are doing what we love and it will be great!! Also, a huge thanks to my friends Kerri, Kassy, and my mom for helping us! We would not have been able to do it without their help!
We went for being festive and wearing our Victorian garb. My dad bought me a Victorian dress for the day. ;)
Chelsea from Chelsea Bos Photography came down for the day to do a photo shoot competition on our Facebook page. Whichever picture gets the most likes on Facebook by this Saturday at noon will get a $100 gift certificate for FunCycled. So… check out the album here and vote, won’t you? There are some really fun pictures to choose from!
The store was PACKED. I mean at one point I don’t think the door ever closed. Crazy fun times over here. This was one moment I got a chance to snap a quick picture!
It was even more fun than walking the stroll. My friends came by for hugs and to check out the place. So many fans were sweet and encouraging. Great sales were the icing on the cake! Thanks so much everyone for shopping local and enjoying Troy!! :) We hope you’ll come back real soon. ;)
You’re here for inspiration, too, right? Well this one is a tiny makeover that has a big punch. This coat rack was on our Upcoming Projects page. Kaylin saw it and asked us to make it into a stocking holder their family for Christmas. They don’t have a mantel; what a great idea!
We painted the whole thing white and then taped it off to make it look like a candy cane. Then spray painted it red.
We also used antique porcelain knobs and attached them around the coat rack so we could put 6 hooks. So stinken cute, right?
The furniture photos are by Chelsea Bos Photography. Have a great week friends! Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
Having fun upcycling!
Sarah ;)
If you like what you see, please like FunCycled’s Facebook page to keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. There is a box at the top right of this page to enter your email address in to receive notifications by email when I post something new on this blog.
Please sign up today! Last but not least, let us customize a furniture piece for you. We create custom furniture and will deliver for customers in upstate NY and will also ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our furniture for sale page.