Hi! We’re into February… ahh! Where did January go? Well, what better way to start the month of love then with a pink dresser turned red!! Jamie had ordered a couple of pieces from us towards the end of last year. She’s one of those people who I hit it off with right away. I had my kids with me the day I delivered a piece to her house and met her for the first time. I had a long day ahead of me, full of client meetings and visits with friends. Jamie was the first stop that morning and my kiddos were filled will glee when they found out Jamie had kids and TOYS. They quickly went downstairs with Jamie’s 2 year old son and played with legos and dinos. Jamie and I hit it off and chatted for a while. Well, it was time to meet the next client so I went downstairs to get the little monkeys. When I turned the corner to find my Sweetie buck naked from the waist down, I didn’t know whether to start laughing or try not to cry out of sheer embarrassment. Then to hear her say, “Momma, I peed my pants so I just took them off!”. Oh man… not the mother of the year moment for sure. To make things worse, I had a full day planned and was a good 30 minutes from home with no spare clothes. My kids don’t pee their paints anymore, or so I thought. ;) Not only did my daughter parade her nakedness, she had also left her peed on pants on Jamie’s carpet. What to do?? I really had to leave, I was late for my next appointment and I had NO time to go buy clothes or clean a carpet! What were my options, take her in her soaking clothes to the nearest Target or could I actually ask Jamie, someone I had just met, “can I borrow a pair of your son’s pants?”. And that is what I did! That question was humbling I tell you; very humbling. Jamie was WAY more than gracious and understanding. She was kind as could be, cared less about the carpet, and found the most girly boy pants she could for my little Sweetie. I knew that day that there was something special about Jamie and she was someone I wanted to be friends with. I am so thankful for her friendship since that first day. She is kind and strong and thoughtful. I have been so blessed by her already! Hugs ;)
Too sappy? You’ll have to deal with it. I’m one of those. lol Anyway, she asked me to find a dresser for her son’s room. She wanted it to have some nice lines and character and definitely an antique. We found this when going to look at a different dresser in downtown Troy. I had to get beyond the pink color to decide if we could make this manly enough for Jackson’s sports room. I think we did!
Can it be done?? We sanded it down, primed and painted it with Benjamin’s Moore’s new red called Caliente AF-290. I’m in love with this red. So amazing!! Then it was distressed, glazed and sealed for protection. Here’s the after for you.
Happy Redesigns Everyone,
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