Hi Friends!
How are you? We had a wonderful week away on vacation! When we first started FunCycled, I read an article about how to successfully stay in business for yourself. One of the things mentioned was traveling often. Weekend get aways and a couple vacations throughout the year. You don’t have to spend a lot – stay with friends, go camping. Just make sure that getting away from home happens and happens often. I have found this to be so very true for us. Our home is beautiful, I adore being in it and filling it with friends and family. Every day, I design and meet with creative people so I also love what I do, but home is also work. That being said, we also need to get away to think of nothing but our family. These years will slip by with my kids. I already can’t believe Josh turns 8 this week. I can’t believe how much he’s changed… toddler years didn’t bother me when they flew by, but I would love for this stage to stay forever with my kiddos by my side.
I want to encourage those who do what I do or work a lot of long days to get away and unplug. Look at those babies and not your phone. Listen to your husband. Laugh with him. Work doesn’t matter all that much at the end of our days, but the family that surrounds us and the people whose lives touch ours – they will matter. Family time makes memories, creates impressions and teaches our children what we value.
That being said, you’ll be seeing some changes here in the next few months. When I get away, I get time to think, my creativity is invigorated, everything comes alive in me again. I have some designs I want to try, some restructuring to do. Hopefully you’ll like the changes that you see! I think you will! :)
Here are some of my favorite moments from vacation…
For this week’s furniture design, I don’t have a before picture because we built it from scratch. The story behind it is fun and the design is unique so I thought I’d share it anyway.
Jackie came to us because she wanted a table built that wasn’t like anything at a store. She loves teal and red and her kitchen and dining room have that color throughout them. Jackie and her husband were on HGTV House Hunters to help them find a house locally. We enjoyed chatting about what it was like being on HGTV and had so much in common I couldn’t believe it.
She wanted a table that looked very rustic, not smooth. We had to custom order rough cut maple from a lumber yard because they don’t keep it in stock. We bought all 8 inch boards and had to plain them down. We cut them into different sizes so it had an even more unique look.
I very light painted over the table so all the grain was still showing and then John lightly sanded it so their kiddos wouldn’t get splinters.
The paint colors are Benjamin Moore’s Azurite Blue, Exotic Red and Simply White. We left one board with no paint to break it up a bit. I knew those colors would be a bit bright but once we stained it, they would be toned down quite a bit. See!!
We stained it using Minwax Dark Walnut Stain.
Here’s the rest of the table! I think this would look really nice all one color, too! Such a rustic industrial look!
The best part is, House Hunters – Where Are They Now will be coming back so this beauty will be on HGTV soon! Keep an eye out for it, won’t you?!?
You can have a table like this too, just use our Contact Us form to request a quote based on the size you’d like.
If you haven’t had a chance to check out our Furniture For Sale page you should right now!! We are having a Mother’s Day Sale until Mother’s Day! 20% off any furniture piece! Here are some of the many pieces available!
We also added lots of new furniture to our Upcoming Projects page this week! You can pick anything you’d like and I can paint it however you’d like! Win Win!!
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Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)
If you like what you see, please like FunCycled’s Facebook page to keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. Last but not least, let us customize a furniture piece for you. We create custom furniture and will deliver for customers in upstate NY and also help you ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our furniture for sale page.