I am so excited about this week’s Tuesday’s Treasures. Do I say that too often? Not only was this a really fun and different redesign, it went to an amazing couple and their two beautiful little girls. (Who both of my little ones got along with RIGHT away.) Thanks so much Bridget and Fred!
It all started from the color of their daughters comforter. They definitely wanted something full of color, unique and not too “matchy matchy”. Ready to see both of them??
Here’s what the first dresser started as:
This dresser was one that they already owned… it’s been in the family for years and was actually Bridget’s when she was a little girl. Oh, and to answer a question that I get almost weekly… yes, we will find a piece for you or redo a piece you already have. Just email me at sarah@funcycled.com and let me know what you would like. ;) I LOVE to creating custom furniture pieces.
I liked the shape and size, perfect for a little girls’ room and I couldn’t wait to add the color they had chosen. First, I sanded it lightly and prepped it for painting. It was a beautiful week weather wise so I decided to spray paint it instead of how we normally paint furniture (see How to Paint Furniture). I used the only aqua spray paint that I could find and it was by Valspar. To be honest, I wasn’t impressed at all. It kept shooting out green spots even though I shook it well before I started and shook it about every 2 minutes while painting. Here’s what I was up against.
I kept having to touch it up and pray that it wouldn’t come out green when I pressed the trigger. I wanted this piece to be bold so I went with hot pink spray paint for the handles.
Last but not least, I sealed it using lacquer. I used the lacquer in my barn with my barn door open and it was SO potent, I literally felt like throwing up and passing out simultaneously. Beware! It gave a pretty good finish and didn’t yellow, but I would definitely be cautious doing it again.
OK, on to the 2nd dresser. Remember there were two! ;) I have been DYING to do this tree and owl design I saw on the blog Never a Dull Day. I have to give credit where credit is due because if I had thought up this design, I would hope someone would give me the credit, too.
I painted this one normally with the steps we show on our page How to Paint Furniture. I used a mossy green color Behr paint in satin and it turned out really well. I hand drew the tree and owl and used all of the colors in the girls’ bedspreads for the leaves. I wanted the colors from the other dresser to be brought in to the leaf colors as well, so I carefully matched the spray paints with the bedspread and then matched regular paints to the spray paint.
After I painted all the detailing with 2-3 coats, I added some dimension by using a black painters pen to outline everything (on the inside). Last but not least, I lacquered it!
Are you ready for some after shots?? I knew you were!
Side by side with the infamous comforter… and a surprise, a chalk board section for the girls to draw on the inside of the door!! Fun times!
Have a great week and happy redesigns,
Remember… If you like what we’re doing, please like us on Facebook at: www.facebook.com/funcycled or share this on Pinterest! Also, you can now get each of our new projects emailed to you when you enter your email address in the box at the top right side of this page.
Hi there! Saw your dresser on Better After featured with mine yesterday – SO cute! Had to come snoop about your site and saw this! Your owl dresser looks so great!! I’m thrilled you made one of your own! My NaNa always said “imitation is the highest form of flattery!”
I’ll be cruising by regularly to Oooo and Aaaaa at your goods!!
Hi Megan!
I can’t believe I was featured with you. I LOVE your work and I can’t get enough of your owl dressers. I’m glad you are a good sport and don’t mind that I was a big old copy cat. :) I gave you full credit for the design. ;) I’m even happier you like it. Phew…
I’ll definitely be keeping up on your site, too. Great work on the newest piece, too!