Happy day after Labor Day and day before school starts for many of us here in upstate NY. I don’t know about you, but I love hanging out with my kids. Sure they can be naughty sometimes (but so am I). Over all they are funny and love to laugh. That being said, I am gonna miss them like mad when they go back to school, but at the same time I’m a creature of routine and structure. I thrive in that environment. Having a normal schedule again will help me make time for all of the ideas I thought of for FunCycled over the summer. I can’t wait to get going on them!! It will also give me time to get back to emails quicker, create new designs and post more on this site. So stay tuned fans (and thanks for your patience with me over the summer).
The Time’s Union interviewed us for an article about upcycling in their 518 Life magazine’s September issue. You should be able to find one at Price Chopper, Hannaford, Bruegger’s Bagels and some Starbucks. If you don’t live around here, but would like to read the article, here’s a link to the Upcycle Your Want to Unique Furniture and Decor article on TU’s website.
The last full week of summer vacation was packed to the brim with beach days, late nights, just ONE more quick play date. Crazy times and they were all a blast. That being said… I want share my favorite moment from this week. My friend, Jo Ann, bought us tickets to go see Josh Groban at Tanglewood. Tanglewood is a place that reminds me of life before children. John and I would get up on sunny, summer Saturday mornings, pack a late breakfast or early lunch, and bring it to Tanglewood. We would listen to the Boston Symphony Orchestra rehearse for the performance that night. It was much cheaper for rehearsal tickets and I enjoy it just as much as the live performance. I loved listening to the conductor tweak different sounds here and there. I can’t put my finger on what I love so much about live classical music, but it invigorates my soul. Maybe because I play the piano… or maybe because I love when people who are passionate about something actually get to do it as their job. But really it might just be the sound. When I close my eyes and listen I feel this overwhelming sense of how blessed I am. I’m living in a time when I can be exposed to this amount of musical talent, instruments. God is sooo good to us, friends. Even during the stressful seasons of life, God gives us moments like He gave me this week. He gave me a friend who has loved me like her own daughter for the last 8 years, a moment of kid free time to talk, beautiful music to enjoy, a hubby who never says no when I ask to go out. So so many great things to be thankful for. Thank you for this special memory, Jo Ann!
Are you ready for a retro makeover? Get ready. Get set. Go!
John built a shelf inside the TV and added a back to make it a small bookcase. We also had to order new knobs from ebay. I really wanted it keep its retro vibe so we attached new fabric on the front where the speaker is and painted it aqua. The fabric is from Hobby Lobby. If you’d like to see how we paint furniture, please check out our How to Paint Furniture post.
Cuteness, right? ;)
The furniture photos are by Chelsea Bos Photography. Have a great week friends! Thanks so much for stopping by. :)
Having fun upcycling!
Sarah ;)
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Please sign up today! Last but not least, let us customize a furniture piece for you. We create custom furniture and will deliver for customers in upstate NY and will also ship throughout the US. Send us a note with what you would like using our contact page. Or buy something that we’ve already designed from our furniture for sale page.