This little book case was given to us by a man we met right near our house who was throwing out a dresser. My dad saw it and asked if we could come get it. We started talking to him and he showed John his wood working pieces. He mostly builds wood cabinets, but has made some pieces for his house and John said it was AMAZING! I sat in the car with the kids. ;) I wish I had his name because I would pass his info along.
My friend, Lydia, saw this book shelf and loved it. She asked me to give it a make over for her daughter (due in June). Here’s the before shot.
We both agreed that the railing had to go. There were screws on both sides, I unscrewed those and all of the spindles just popped out. To see how to paint furniture, check out our post How to Paint Furniture.
After popping the railing off, I filled all of the holes with wood filler and sanded them down a couple times.
I hand painted this one with a quart of Benjamin Moore paint that Lydia had picked out and a Purdy paint brush. I had to do three coats to get it even. Then I distressed it using 80 grit sand paper and added a tree to match the tree that she’s going to be putting on the main wall of Vera’s room. I used an Acrylic pen to paint the branches and a brush for the pink and blue flowers.
Enjoy every day to the fullest!
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So pretty!
Thanks, Marcie! :)
I love this piece so much that it’s going to be hard removing it from my living room to put it in Vera’s room! I just love looking at it every day! Thank you Sarah!!
It makes me so happy to know you really like it. You are a blessing to me.