Happy Tuesday’s Treasures everyone!
Thanks so much for stopping by to check out one of my favorite new dresser designs! Before we start all that, I know you were hoping for an update about our week here, right? :) We celebrated John’s birthday with a little family bowling last week! It was a super fun night with some of our closest friends and family.
The funniest part of this picture might be that my dad and friend Jo Ann are totally photo bombing the picture with a hug while my mom is clearly keeping her eye on everything because we can only see the back of her head. Cracks me up!
It was a really nice week and I’m so thankful for John. Since birthdays are a good excuse to brag a bit on someone else, I’ve gotta say I don’t know who I’d be without him. He’s a kind, funny, adventurous husband and a silly, playful daddy who cares about teaching our children about the Bible and lives out what loving God looks like day to day. He’s filled with faith and trust in God even when I’m doubtful how things can work out and bills will get paid. He trusts God to provide and lead us and love us. I’ve never heard him doubt those things. Ever. For that and so much more, I celebrate my Johnny and want to thank God for giving this 19 year old girl a guy worth keeping for a lifetime when I was WAY too young to make a decision like that.
Ok, I’ve tortured you with enough gushy lovey dovey stuff. On to the furniture, shall we?
I was perusing online for different design inspirations because I’ve been in the mood to do a piece a bit out of the box from my normal pieces. I came across this West Elm Patchwork dresser design and I loved the contrast of the different stain colors against the white. I had to try a twisted version of that on this mid century modern dresser. It had all the right lines, original hardware and lots of different squares to make the look I wanted.
We sanded everything down using an orbital sander and then painted the box Benjamin Moore’s atrium white. For the drawers, I knew I wanted more of a darker stain color on the bottom and lighter on the top. I used 9 different stain colors on this piece. The bottom drawer was Minwax Ebony and the top drawer was Minwax English Chestnut. Then the squares are those two stains, as well as Zar Modern Walnut, Minwax Jacobean, Minwax Lipswich Pine, Minwax Red Mahogany, Minwax Dark Walnut, Olympus Grey and Olympus driftwood. This part could be an expensive proposition if you don’t already have a variety of stain colors on hand. We did so it worked out well for us. We used all the original hardware and spray painted it gold.
Then we clear coated the whole thing and I added the white lines between the small squares which gave it just the pop I wanted! This piece sold within hours of putting on our Facebook page. Lately things sell quickly so if you want to be updated when something new has been put on our For Sale Page or Upcoming Projects page, please make sure you like our FunCycled Facebook page.
Here are the afters… gasp. Have I mentioned how much I love this one. These pictures are by Chelsea Bos photography!
Happy redesigns everyone,
Sarah ;)
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