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Biophilic Design and Decor: Accents that Energize Your Home

Biophilic Decor Ideas

A few months ago, I spent some time really digging into Biophilic Design, which has been a staple approach to design since the start of the 20th Century. But what exactly is Biophilic Design and just exactly how do you decorate your home with Biophilic decor and accents to reflect this earth friendly style? Intrinsically, Biophilic design serves to connect people with nature, and it is this goal which lives as the driving force and foundation in making specific design choices that lead to spaces that reflect the beauty and awe that we experience in nature. If you want to know more about Biophilic design, I encourage you to read through my previous blog post, Introducing Biophilic Design.

FunCylced’s Biophilic Design is in the News!

For today’s blog, I am sharing some meaningful decor items and accents to incorporate into your home that will give you this energizing vibe. So without further adieu, I give you FunCycled’s take on Biophilic Design and Decor!

Biophilic Decor & Accents for your Whole House

wall paper, wooden frames, plants, bamboo shades, air purifiers

Add These Nature Inspired Pieces to Your Living Room

live edge coffee table, wooden or stone accent tables, jute rugs, linen pillows

Natural Elements & Accents for a Peace-filled Dining Room

stoneware dishes, linen napkins, wooden bowls for decor or food, organic light fixture, custom solid wood table

Key Questions Answered to Guide Your Biophilic Design Choices

What Colors should you choose with Biophilic Design?

The goal of a Biophilic color pallet is to reflect hues that are found in nature. Some top retailers, like Benjamin Moore, have taken time to draw up some ideas to assist with making these selections. FunCycled’s answer to the question, ‘What colors are used with Biophilic design?’ is to keep things natural, soft, and to stick with earth tones. We have selected some paint colors for you. These could be used for walls, furniture items, or as a frame of reference for other textiles and selections to choose for your home! Take a look:

What are the key elements of Biophilic Design that you should consider for your home?

Key elements include: 
– Incorporating shapes, textures, and patterns inspired by nature
– Encouraging seamless transitions between inside and outside
– Maximizing natural light
– Using natural elements & fibers
– Selecting colors that are found in nature
– Adding outdoor elements when possible

Ready for More?

Now that we have covered some basics about Biophilic Design, I hope you have found some new inspiration or ideas to try out this year for yourself! If you are looking for more decor items for your home, visit my Biophilic Home Decor Board, as part of my Amazon Storefront.

Thank you all for following along! If you’d like to get this blog in your email once a week, please sign up for our weekly newsletter by adding your email in the little box below my picture at the top of this page. 

Want to get more helpful design tips? Then like FunCycled on  FacebookInstagram and Pinterest if you don’t already. Keep up to date on the newest finds, vote on colors and give your input on our creativity. We share fun tutorials, great before and after, and new design inspirations. 

FunCycled offers interior designkitchen cabinet painting, and custom built tablesbarn doors, and repurposed furniture. Thank you, again, for working with us and for taking the time to spread the word about what we do. 

Happy FunCycling Friends,
Sarah ;)

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