Hi Friends!
I know, I know, this doesn’t sound like my normal blog post. It’s true! This isn’t about furniture, kitchen makeovers, or design, but this is about something fun that I’ve wanted to do for 3 years! We finally did it! I was at a fall festival about 3 years go where they had a shared spaghetti dinner that you could buy tickets for. I LOVED watching it all happen and wished that I had bought a ticket myself. They poured the spaghetti down the table, poured meat and sauce on top, and then passed around loaves of bread for people to rip off a piece of it. Everyone pulled some of the spaghetti from the center of the table and enjoyed a feast with their friends.
It was so much fun so I thought I’d share in case any of you would like to try it yourself!
First – get some fold up tables and buy plastic table cloths. We bought these:
I picked golden rod from my yard and put it in a mason jar. Then pilled fresh Italian bread all around it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and butter.
John boiled the spaghetti 6 pounds at a time in a huge pot, added oil to keep it from sticking, and kept it on low in the oven to keep it warm. We started by pouring all the spaghetti out on the table. We had 19 people over and we made 12 pounds of regular spaghetti and 2 pounds of gluten free spaghetti, 5 jars of sauce mixed with tomatoes from our garden, and about 12 pounds of meat. We did 3 tables, one for adults, and two for the kids. One of the kids tables was all gluten free to that our daughter Harmony could enjoy it without having to worry about cross contamination or without feeling left out. We also added sausage and meatballs on top! With that much food there was SO MUCH left over, but that’s ok. We sent our friends home with lots of left overs. We also asked our friends to bring a salad to share and an Italian dessert to share. 💕
Step 1 Spaghetti!

Step 2 Add the Meat
(or veggies if you don’t eat meat)

Step 3 Add the Sauce
(sprinkle some PARMESAN Cheese on top)


Oh, and Don’t Forget to Play Italian Music
That may sound like a silly last step, but it really sets the mood!
When I told some friends about this idea, they wrinkled up their nose and said… ew. Sharing food. Gross!!! So let’s talk about that for a second. There really isn’t as much sharing as you’d think. If you’re scared of others germs, just pull a large amount from the center and then you won’t have to grab any more. It’s basically just like eating without a plate. Oh, and be sure to be the first to grab the Italian bread if you don’t like people touching your food. :)
We also had fresh Parmesan ready for the top of the spaghetti if anyone wanted it.
It definitely made for a fun and memorable night! I loved it so much and think it’s definitely worth trying if this sounds even slightly fun to you! The clean up is the easiest part! Just toss the table cloth and everything else you don’t want at the end!
Maybe I’ll have to try the shared nacho night next! We’ll see!! :)
Oh, and if you came for a before and after of furniture, I don’t want you to be disappointed.
This is a dresser that we just added to our Furniture Shop page. You can purchase it online or in the store.

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We offer interior design, kitchen cabinet painting, and custom built tables, barn doors, and repurposed furniture. Thank you, again, for working with us and for taking the time to spread the word about what we do.
Happy FunCycling Friends,

Sarah ;)