Hi Friends!
If you live in upstate with younger kids, last week was spring break. We usually travel to Florida on spring break, but decided to stay home this year, and do a couple of day trips instead. I thought I was going to be sad without a big trip, but we all really enjoyed the day trips and the extra rest between work. It didn’t hurt that the weather was so beautiful this week! We’ve been redoing kitchens and furniture each week, but we also spent time working on the trolley house. We have a lot to do there and are trying to seize the warm days.
For one of my #40by40 challenge, I wanted to do a day trip where it was completely spontaneous. I love being spontaneous, but I often get a full schedule and don’t have time for things if I don’t plan ahead. So I just blocked off a day and John said, leave this one to me. We took a drive to Newport and Providence RI. We walked the cliffs by mansions in Newport, and then went to Providence to tour the college John went to for culinary arts, Johnson and Whales. After, we walked to the local shops ,and had delicious Korean BBQ for dinner at Mom Ban. So much fun!

I’m excited to share this kitchen makeover with you because it’s for a friend who’s house was built in 1775! I love everything about this house. When Tricia hired me to come help with the design, I loved it so much in fact that I forgot to take before pictures! This is the only before picture I have:

I took a picture of this section because she wanted it changed into a drink area with counters for extra space when they have get togethers at their home.
When working on a project in an older home, we’ve learned over the years that you never know what you’re going to find when you start removing anything. In this case, were we thought we could put cabinets, there was a duct vent in front of the wall. The duct couldn’t fit inside the wall because there’s a fireplace on the other side… so we had to find a work around. I recommended wrapping the duct with brick to make it look like there was a chimney instead of a jutting out section of the wall. We also had to customize the cabinets a bit and have the counters wrap around it. Check out how it all came together:

I just don’t think could be any cuter!
Here’s the rest of the kitchen for you!

If you’d like to see how we paint Kitchen Cabinets, click here to check out our video on YouTube.
Cabinet Color: Benjamin Moore Simply White
Island Color: Valspar Lincoln Cottage Black
Could your kitchen use an update? We’d love to help!! We can help pick out colors, finishes, product and do the cabinet painting, tiling, add new hardware. You can use our Contact Us form to request our design services or a quote for painting your kitchen. Please check out other kitchen projects on our For Sale page. We’ll need to see a picture of your kitchen, a list of how many doors and drawers there are, and where you are located to email you an estimate. This change ups the value of your home and gives you a whole new look at a fraction of the cost of new kitchen cabinets!
We offer interior design, kitchen cabinet painting, and custom built tables, barn doors, and repurposed furniture. Thank you, again, for working with us and for taking the time to spread the word about what we do.
Happy FunCycling Friends,

Sarah ;)
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