Black and White Hutch Good morning friends! How was your week? Since I was out of town a week ago, this past week was hectic to say the least. It's been so fun though. I promised you new pieces, but I put them on…
Teal Mid-Century Modern Buffet Hi!! How's 2014 treating you all so far? I feel like it's been a month since last week's Tuesday's Treasures. I flew out to Michigan to help my friend Sarah pick paint colors and decorations for her new home. And…
My Favorite Furniture Projects 2013 Last week I showed you all of the post popular furniture posts in 2013 as voted by you (page views)! This week I thought I would share my favorite furniture makeovers of 2013. Only one actually made it on both lists,…
2013 Most Popular Furniture Makeovers Happy New Year's Eve!! One of the things I look forward to each year is putting together the furniture pieces that had the most page views this year. Some surprised and there were others that I wondered why they didn't…
Chair Makeovers – Tuesday’s Treasures Happy Christmas Eve!! If you've stopped by today, thank you so much! I'm sure your schedule is pretty booked today so it means a lot to us that you came to see what's up here at FunCycled. From our family…
Decorator’s White Hutch – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi! Thanks for stopping by despite how busy I'm sure you all are right now!! We've been equally busy here with lots of custom furniture orders, interior painting, home staging and color consults. I'm seriously loving all the different things…
Red Dry Bar and a Gingerbread House – Tuesday’s Treasures Good morning friends! The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is definitely here. For that reason, I have to keep this Tuesday's Treasures a little shorter than normal. Not to mention, I have to get my quarterly taxes done…
White Chic Dresser Set – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi Friend!! I hope you all had a family or friend filled Thanksgiving day. Ours was definitely that with 14 members of my family around the dinner table. The more families I meet, the more thankful I am for mine.…
The Rachael Ray Show and a Navy Secretary Desk – Tuesday’s Treasures So many fun things have happened in the last week!! I can't wait to share everything with you. Let's start with the furniture this time around in case you're here more to check out the before and afters than you…
For Sale! Mustard Paisley Dresser – Tuesday’s Treasures Wow!!! The last two weeks have been a whirlwind around here!! I haven't had a chance to explain and have also had a lot of questions coming my way so I thought I would take a little time to tell you what's…
Farm House Table For Sale – Tuesday’s Treasures Happy almost half way point through November! I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving!! Time and furniture designs are flying by (in a very fun filled way). We've been getting into a good groove around here -it's so nice to feel…
Country Teal French Provincial Bedroom Set – Tuesday’s Treasures Happy week of the end of Daylight Savings Time. If you are like me with young kids, you may want to start protesting the idea of this whole time change thing. Why in the world do we need to change…
Black and Lime Green Inspiration – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi Friends! This week I want to share with you quick before and after pictures of three pieces that went into a room as a matching set. Mary Jo reached out to us to revive some furniture pieces that have…
Marcie’s Black Hutch – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi Friends! Has your month of October flown by as fast as mine?? Man oh man!! I blink and look at the corner of my computer screen to see that it's the 22nd! Where did the month go?? It's been…
For Sale! Sea-foam Blue and White Hutch Good morning friends! I know it's not a Tuesday's Treasures, but I wanted to take time to share this makeover for you. We just finished up a new piece and added it to our Furniture For Sale Page. Here it…
File Cabinet Turned Mud Room Bench – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi All!!! I'm beyond excited to share this before and after with you. Ever since I first laid eyes on this file cabinet, I wanted to turn it into a hall tree bench. One of our customers, Laurie, stopped by…
Grey and Hot Pink Secretary Desk – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi All! It's been such a fun week here!! Yesterday was my 30th birthday and if you follow our facebook page you've seen some of the random acts of kindness that we did throughout the day. I'll be doing a…
From An Old Oak Dresser to a Modern Eye Catcher – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi All! It's been a wonderful, wonderful week here!!! My very dear friend Marcie planned a surprise 30th birthday party for me this past weekend. Don't worry I'm still in my 20's until next week, she had to do it…
Yellow Painted Dresser – Tuesday’s Treasures Happy Tuesday everyone!! We're all about change here at FunCycled... making the old new again with repair, color or classic styles. Sometimes I look at a piece and think that's not too bad looking. Should I change it?? But then…
Art Deco Retro Dresser Set – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi All! How's it going?? We had a great weekend here full of happy and bitter sweet moments. Our little sweetie turned 4 this week!! How did she get this big?? And, John and I went on a double date…
Bistro Set and Bird & Tree Coffee Table – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi All! How was the first week of school for most of you in upstate NY??? It was our first year for both our Little Man who started kindergarten and for Sweetie going into Pre-K. If you want to see…
Burbank Blue and White Dresser Set – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi Friends! If you're one of our Facebook fans, you'll see that I've been a little MIA this week. I've been fighting a nasty cold. It's still going strong over 10 days later. I'm going to give in and medicate soon,…
Grey French Provincial Dresser – Tuesday’s Treasures Hi All! I'm enjoying some family time this week before school starts next week. That means I'm keeping today's Tuesday's Treasures on the kind of short and sweet side. :) I loved the lines and quality workmanship with this piece.…
Small White Dresser Set One more quick makeover today... my pal Lara went to a yard sale and saw these dressers for sale. She sent them to me in a text to see if I'd like her to pick them up for me. I…
The Hutch with a War Wound – Tuesday’s Treasures So many people have been asking me how John's hand is doing. Thanks so much for checking! Since more of you read this blog than actually chat with me in a week, I thought you all might like an update.…